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Famous Dyslexics

These famous folks haven't "overcome" their dyslexia, it is because they are dyslexic that they have the visionary gifts that they've used to excel: 

Actors, Filmmakers, Diretors: 
Jennifer Aniston, Fred Astaire, Ameer Baraka, Robert Benton, Orlando Bloom, Jim Carrey, Tom Cruise, Walt Disney, Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg, Woody Harrelson, Selma Hayek, Anthony Hopkins, Kiera Knightley, Jay Leno, Steve McQueen, Keanu Reeves, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Spielberg, Will Smith, Octavia Spencer, Quentin Tarantino, Billy Bob Thornton, Robin Williams, Henry Winkler 

Architects and Designers: 
Michael Faraday, Christopher Lowell, Richard Rogers 

Artists and Musicians: 
Ansel Adams, Beethoven, Harry Belafonte, Cher, Leonardo Da Vinci, John Lennon, Mozart, Pablo Picasso, Auguste Rodin, Bob Weir, Willard Wigan, Andy Worhol 

Muhammad Ali, Magic Johnson, Bob May, Diamond Dallas Page, Steve Redgrave, Pete Rose, Jackie Stewart 

Bill Bowen, Dean Bragonier, Ben Foss 

Josh Almeida, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Craig McCaw, David Neeleman, Charles Schwab 

Law and Justice: 
David Boies, Erin Brockovich 

Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Gavin Newsom, Nelson Rockefeller, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Erna Solberg, George Washington, Woodrow Wilson 

Dwight D. Eisenhower, George Patton, General Westmoreland 

Scientists and Inventors: 
Ann Bancroft, Alexander Graham Bell, Pierre Curie, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday, Henry Ford, Carol Greider, Jack Horner, Archer J. P. Martin, Ky Michaelson 

Writers—Fiction Writers: 
Stephen Cannell, Lewis Carroll, Agatha Christie, John Corrigan, Jane Elson, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Fannie Flagg, Gustave Flaubert, Vince Flynn, Terry Goodkind, John Irving, Edgar Allen Poe, Anne Rice, Natasha Solomons, Elizabeth Daniels Squire, Jules Verne, Tom West 

Scott Adams, Anderson Cooper, Anja Dembina, Richard Engel, Byron Pitts 

Writers—Literature for Children and Young Adults: 
Avi, Hans Christian Andersen, Jeanne Betancourt, Amber Lee Dodd, Sally Gardner, Patricia Polacco 

Charley Boorman, Larry Chambers, John Edmund Delezen, Andrew Dornenburg, Nelson Lauver, Eileen Simpson, Bernie Taylor 

Amanda Gorman, Philip Schultz, William Butler Yeats